Spatial Data

Nearly every academic discipline has data and information that is spatial in its nature, but only a few disciplines seem to be actively developing the potentials, despite some very big changes in accessible possibilities. The key to 'actively developing' is Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which is essentially a linkage of mapping and database applications. The proverbial "steep learning curve" for GIS software is a bit daunting, and support for exploration and development is pretty sketchy on most campuses.

Of course there are Atlases in the library (Annie keyword search: 'atlas and china', and 'atlas and japan').

There are lots of maps on the Web, generally in the form of .jpg and .gif graphics; there are also many map servers which offer some level of interactivity --allowing the user to zoom, query, and perhaps turn map layers on and off (see an example for Hong Kong). Just what the possibilities are in the realm of East Asian Studies is an interesting question... and I have some of the answers, but would like to find more. How shall we set about drawing up a catalog of resources?

Our strategies must surely include some Web searching... but it's pretty clear that we're looking for several distinct sorts of things:

china "online atlas" google search is a pretty good start, and here are some of the results:

Map of current SARS cases in China --see also Mapping SARS, and ESRI's SARS GIS
China Virtual Tours (may have maps...)
CIA topography map

China Map and Placename Index

china geography google search
China Geography Specialty Group (see links at bottom)
China Dimensions CIESIN

And some sources for Japan:

Japanese Historical Maps from UC Berkeley
Japan Atlas from Japan Information Network

Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative

Time Map of Korea

Silk Road Atlas