This is the search report for the search you ran on Feb 21 09:27:47 
1995. It is a temporary file, and will expire about an hour after the search.


Searching nsf-awards...

Your query was:

  fetal tissue

The database contains 10,471,162 words in 67,753 documents.
There are 291,076 different words.

The database contains the following fields:
 title - The title of the award.
 latestamendmentdate - The latest amendment date.
 awardnumber - The award number.
 awardinstr - The type of award instrument.
 prgmmanager - The program manager name, and the NSF organization.
 startdate - The start date.
 expires - The expiration date.
 expectedtotalamt - The expected total amount of the award.
 investigator - The prinical investigator and any co-PIs, with contact information.
 sponsor - The sponsoring institution and address.
 nsfprogram - The NSF program code.
 fldscience - The field of science.
 fldapplictn - The field of application.
 abstract - The award abstract.

fetal stems to fetal, which  occurs 113 times in 50 documents.
tissue stems to tissu, which  occurs 2,174 times in 1,254 documents.

The search found 1,294 documents.  It took less than a second.


The search was performed by a WAIS Inc server:  WAIS Server 2.0.0.
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