Journals for Biology

Missing values in "2001 Cost" are usually because of package deals and memberships.

TitleOnline2001 Cost
American journal of botanyavailable$211.15
American journal of physiologyavailable$2,390.63
American midland naturalistavailable$87.55
American naturalistavailable$292.52
American zoologistavailable$520.15
Animal behaviouravailable$210.90
Banisteria : a journal devoted to the natural history of Virginia$60.00
Behavioral ecology and sociobiologyavailable$2,200.08
Behavioral ecology official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecologyavailable$342.99
Biological bulletinavailable$248.23
Biological conservationavailable$2,017.74
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Societyavailable$189.52
Botanical review$105.06
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences$707.61
Canadian journal of zoology$802.37
Castanea : the journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club$41.20
Cellular microbiologyavailable$663.94
Conservation biology the journal of the Society for Conservation Biologyavailable$443.22
Developmental biologyavailable$1,055.75
Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of Americaavailable$195.70
Ecological monographsavailable$113.30
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biologyavailable$556.20
General and comparative endocrinologyavailable$463.43
Genes & developmentavailable$875.50
Herpetological monographs
Herpetological review
International journal of plant sciencesavailable$331.66
International wildlife
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Associationavailable$334.75
Journal of animal ecologyavailable$566.50
Journal of applied physiologyavailable$778.68
Journal of bacteriologyavailable$566.50
Journal of biochemistry$257.50
Journal of biological chemistryavailable$1,339.00
Journal of cell biologyavailable$778.68
Journal of cellular physiologyavailable$4,866.75
Journal of computational biologyavailable
Journal of ecologyavailable$566.50
Journal of experimental biologyavailable$1,885.93
Journal of experimental medicineavailable$510.88
Journal of experimental zoologyavailable$4,938.85
Journal of general physiologyavailable$449.08
Journal of heredityavailable$203.94
Journal of herpetology$97.85
Journal of immunologyavailable$491.31
Journal of morphologyavailable$2,981.85
Journal of parasitologyavailable$175.10
Journal of physiologyavailable$2,430.80
Journal of the history of biology$278.10
Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBRavailable$335.78
Molecular and cellular neurosciencesavailable
National wildlife
Natural history$30.90
New scientist$144.20
Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZavailable$394.49
Physiological reviewsavailable$299.73
Plant cellavailable
Plant physiologyavailable$1,277.20
Proceedings. Biological sciencesavailable$906.40
Quarterly review of biologyavailable$158.62
Seminars in virologyavailable
Systematic biologyavailable$123.60
Systematic botanyavailable$124.63
Trends in biochemical sciences$998.07
Trends in cell biology$998.07
Trends in ecology & evolution$998.07
Trends in genetics$998.07
Trends in immunology$998.07
Trends in microbiology$998.07
Trends in parasitology$998.07
Trends in plant science$998.07
Virginia wildlife$10.00

Annuals and Other Serials

These titles are shelved as books, and missing values in "2001 Cost" indicate titles not received in 2001.

Title2001 Cost
Advances in ecological research$116.95
Advances in genetics$325.47
Advances in human genetics
Advances in marine biology$352.60
Advances in microbial ecology$121.50
Advances in parasitology$255.68
Annual review of cell and developmental biology(online)
Annual review of ecology and systematics(online)
Annual review of entomology(online)
Annual review of genetics(online)
Annual review of immunology(online)
Annual review of medicine(online)
Annual review of microbiology(online)
Annual review of physiology(online)
Annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology(online)
Bacteria in nature
Biology of the reptilia
Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology : [proceedings]$273.48
correspondence of Charles Darwin
Current ornithology$130.50
Current topics in developmental biology$352.60
Evolutionary biology$76.50
Flora of North America : north of Mexico
Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa : the birds of the western Palearctic.
Handbook of the birds of the world$795.60
International review of cytology$940.85
Methods in cell biology$498.44
Methods in enzymology$2,153.12
Oceanography and marine biology; an annual review$99.00
Perspectives in ethology$103.50
Progress in experimental personality & psychopathology research
Rivers of the United States
Stadler genetics symposia : [proceedings]
State of the world's forests
Vascular flora of the southeastern United States