DATABASE: BiolAgrIndex                  LIMITED TO:
SEARCH: su:genomic imprinting FOUND 17 Records
|     1   Latham, Keith E.   Stage-specific induction and regulation b   1995
|     2   Thomas, James H.   Genomic imprinting proposed as a surveill   1995
|     3   Li, E.             DNA methylation, genomic imprinting, and    1993
|     4   Razin, Aharon.     DNA methylation and genomic imprinting.     1994
|     5   Nicholls, Robert   New insights reveal complex mechanisms in   1994
|     6   Matzke, Marjori.   Genomic imprinting in plants: parental ef   1993
|     7   Donoghue, Maria    An axial gradient of transgene methylatio   1992
|     8   Forejt, Jiri.      Genetic analysis of genomic imprinting: a   1992

 Record  4 of   17__YOUR LIBRARY (VLW) MAY OWN THIS ITEM____( Page  1 of  2)
|      AUTHOR: Razin, Aharon.; Cedar, Howard.
|       TITLE: DNA methylation and genomic imprinting.  (minireview)
|      SOURCE: Cell v. 77 (May 20 '94) p. 473-6 bibl il.
| STANDARD NO: 0092-8674
|        DATE: 1994
|       PLACE: United States
|    LANGUAGE: English
|    CONTENTS: feature article
|     SUBJECT: Imprinting (Genetics).
|              Methylation.
|              DNA - Modification and restriction.