Making and Using Web Pages in Bio182

Once you are logged into the network, check on your H: drive to see if you have a folder called public_html. If you don't find one, the first step is to MAKE one.


Open the public_html folder and make a folder INSIDE it called bio182 (lower case, please, and NO SPACES)

Inside this /bio182/ folder is where you'll do most of the work for my part the course, building pages and so on.

Your first page will be named index.html and will be your course home page for Bio182. I'll use FrontPage as the basic construction tool for Web pages, because it's easy and readily available in labs. You're welcome to use any other page-making software --whatever works for you. You may want to prepare a draft using your own favorite software (Word, etc.) and then come to a campus lab to paste it into FrontPage.

To find FrontPage on a campus public machine: there may be a FrontPage icon on the desktop, but if not, from the computer's START menu, select

All Programs ==> Internet Tools ==> Microsoft FrontPage

FrontPage opens with a blank page; you can use the FILE menu to OPEN an existing page, once you've made one.

On this blank page, type your name, then choose Save As... from the FILE menu. Navigate to your /bio182/ folder and SAVE as index.html (and please make sure it's index.html --FrontPage default is .htm but I want you to follow the .html convention).

Open a browser (e.g., Microsoft's Explorer) and enter the page's URL like this:
If you've followed the steps exactly you'll see the page with your name.

Return to FrontPage, make some changes to the text on the page, use Save As... again (to make sure that the page is saved as index.html), then go back to the Browser and hit the Reload/Refresh button to see your changes.

That's all there is to [basic] editing.

The functions you'll need to know how to use include HyperLink (the globe + chain icon), which allows you to make hypertext links to other pages, either of your own creation or connecting to resources elsewhere on the Web. You'll want to experiment with Bold, Italic, and some of the options on the FORMAT menu, but your pages needn't be fancy --content is more important than elegance for this course.

Assignment, to be completed by 9 PM Tuesday 13 Jan:

  1. Go to the Bio182 rangefinder page ( and answer the questions

  2. Follow the instructions above to set up your Web presence:
    1. Go through the steps to set up the folder(s) you'll need in your home directory for Bio182 (as above) and make an index.html page introducing yourself. Include a paragraph or two explaining what brought you to Biology.  Later on you'll add other links to the page.

    2. Briefly state your assigned/chosen topic and summarize what you already know about it in a (probably short) paragraph.

    3. TEST the link with your name by going to the course page (find the Bio182 link on the Science Library's Biology Department page), following the link to your supervisor's group, and clicking on your name. If you've followed the instructions exactly you'll be able to see the page you've created.

I will (usually) be in my office (in the Science Library) during daytime hours, though I feed from 12-1 and have another class from 3-5 on TuTh. Don't hesitate to drop in for help if you need it!