Assignment Three: Finding Review Articles

DUE by 9PM on Tuesday 25 January

  1. Go to and follow the link to "Sign up for an individual account" (I suggest that you use your GroupWise login and password, just to keep things simple). You'll use RefWorks to accumulate and manage bibliography, and eventually to format your final bibliography. This is really wonderful...

    Once logged in, go to the Folders ==> Create New Folder dropdown, and make a bio182 folder to hold items for this course.

  2. Use ALL 3 of the databases demonstrated in class to search for REVIEW articles, using the search terms you've found to be effective in earlier searches (and any others you can think of). I want you to develop basic familiarity with these databases, and anticipate that at least one of them will be fruitful for you. If you find ZERO, try a more general search.

  3. In dated log file entries, report (a) your search terms, and (b) useful things you found, in a narrative (a story, a description, a chronology) of your exploration of the 3 databases.

  4. Choose what seems to be the one best review article (closest to your topic, most recent, etc... your choice of "best") that you can get in full text (either because it's available online, as recent Annual Review articles are, OR because it's available in print journals/volumes that we have [check Annie to find out if we HAVE a title]) and make yourself a copy (print it, photocopy it, whatever). READ IT.

    If you REALLY just can't find anything, (1) look through the first paragraph(s) of primary articles you found for Assignment 2 in search of reviews, and (2) if that doesn't work come and see me, or (3) ask your faculty mentor for help.

  5. Include in your log file a citation for the one you've decided is the best, in something like this format:
    David A. Holway, Lori Lach, Andrew V. Suarez, Neil D. Tsutsui, and Ted J. Case
    Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 2002, Vol. 33: 181-233

The databases: