Various Questions have explored facets of reading and writing, and are surely worth revisiting pour encourager:
What are you reading, and why? (March 2023)
Books and the Young (April 2023)
Joys and Challenges of Writing (March 2024)
What to read next? (July 2024)
Talismanic is a descriptor that comes up when I consider my dealings with the world of books: as I follow my curiosities, I encounter titles that seem like they would enlarge my /knowing/, and it's a matter of a few clicks to add titles to my actual and virtual shelves. So the toothsome book is ordered, and duly arrives and enters the pool/pile of the ever-growing Library ...and usually is sampled and (metaphorically) shelved for later retrieval when its subject matter arises again, likely in a mini-project or something more intentionally glorious. Just looking at an array of books on a subject area is sure to lead to bits of reading, often the stochastic sort that opens a volume "at random" and follows its nose over a landscape of rabbit holes... and there goes today.