Brian mentioned the concept of Genius loci last week, a notion I've been playing with for several years (in the context of thinking about how to think about photographing places as we traveled, notion being that every place has a something that defines and animates it, supposedly accessible if one takes the time and has the eyes... a pretty grand challenge to the photographer/traveler).
Some google-hunting turns up interesting facets of the concept:
Genius Loci: ecological landscape design (a Vermont consultancy)
Genius Loci as a Meta-Concept Marilena Vecco
This research presents an analysis of the concept of genius loci over time. It aims to trace its evolution to provide its deeper understanding as a meta-concept. To this end, a holistic approach - including psychic, physical and human components - is taken to address its double nature of being both a reality and an entity. Genius loci is the intangible quality of a material place, perceived both physically and spiritually. It reveals itself through visible tangible and perceivable non-material features. It is also made known by underlying processes, because genius loci is a signifier of a process that is happening and cannot intentionally be created. It is significant in terms of being both the mediator and medium of social interactions. (I have the txt of the rest of this article)
- Maine
The Country of the Pointed Firs and other stories Sarah Orne Jewett 1925The Peninsula Louise Dickinson Rich 1958
Beside the St. George's: Maine Forgotten Ways Luthera Burton Dawson 1993
The Lobster Coast: Rebels, Rusticators, and the Struggle for a Forgotten Frontier Colin Woodard 2004
Islands in Time: a natural and cultural history of the islands of Maine Philip W Conkling and Peter Ralston 2011
Along the Archipelago: essays and observations Philip Conkling 2012
Vacationland: true stories from painful beaches John Hodgman 2017
- other New England
Time in New England Paul Strand and Nancy Newhall 1950Sightseeking: clues to the landscape history of New England Christopher J Lenney 2003
The Path: a one-mile walk through the universe Chet Raymo 2003
- Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
My Name is Legion: foundations for a theory of man in relation to culture Alexander H. Leighton 1959 (Vol 1 of The Sterling County Study of psychiatric disorder and sociocultural environment) and People of Cove and Woodlot: communities from the viewpoint of social psychiatry Leighton et al. 1960 (Vol 2 of the Sterling County Study)This Rock Within the Sea: a heritage lost Farley Mowat 1976
Merging: contemplations on farming and ecology from horseback Soren Bondrup Nielsen 2014
- North America generally
Blue Highways: a journey into America 1982, PrairyErth: a deep map 1999, and Roads to Quoz: an American mosey 2008, all by William Least Heat MoonGrassland: the history, biology, politics, and promise of the American prairie Richard Manning 1995
and this from Monhegan: