AI as seen via YouTube
(a disorderly gatheration)

Tips and Codes for MidJourney



The End of Art

a comment: @carolinekloppert5177 1 month ago
I spent decades of my life learning foreign languages, only to see the translation industry destroyed by AI. The inferiority of the machine translations a few years back did not stop the destruction of the industry. The machine translation cost nothing, and so the price for all translation came crashing down, because the bottom feeders used machine translation. I found myself paid half price to 'just edit' (as if it was less work) a translation done by machine which was basically unintelligible so that I had to go back to the original and translate it myself. Most clients, the bottom of the pyramid that kept the industry going, did not care about the quality of the translation. If we expect that clients prizing human made products will save industries we are being very delusional. ... the vast majority of clients will go for the process that costs less.


Evolving AI Art


The text-to-image revolution, explained


ChatGPT + Midjourney V4 Showcase


Dave McKean on the Impact of AI for Artists


The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs


How to use AI Art and ChatGPT to Create a Insane Web Designs


This AI changes EVERYTHING (ChatGPT x Blender)


Cascadeur 1.0 - Free Fast Physically Based A.I Animation Tool!


OpenAI ChatGPT: The Future Is Here!


The Secret Study Of Seeing With Sound


The REAL fight over AI art

MidJourney AI - Best Prompt Ticks - Beginners Guide






First look - ChatGPT + WolframAlpha Dr. Alan D Thompson


(not sure this belongs with AI... but gotta park it somewhere)

Celebrating Data & Society founder danah boyd

